My Intuitive Eating Program

Lately, I’ve received several messages inquiring about my Intuitive Eating Program. While I replied to each message individually, I thought there might be more people who wondered, but didn’t ask. So here it is, a detailed explanation of the Intuitive Eating Program I offer. Now you can decide if you want to take that step to freedom!


A long time ago, I had a desperate hope. I hoped that I could find a magic book or magic program that would fix my screwed up head. I knew I was screwed up because everyone around me seemed to be okay with themselves while I was tortured by every ounce that went up and down on the scale. I knew something was wrong because I could NOT stop exercising, starving, bingeing, purging and the like. My journey toward freedom took me many places. You can read more of my story here, here, and here.

While my journey will never end, my head is no longer screwed up, I am not living a life that is out of control; I am not obsessed or tortured any more. Knowing how hard things used to be, I can say that this freedom to eat whatever and whenever I want is absolutely incredible. The peace I have with myself and the understanding I have of my hunger are priceless gifts that I am grateful for every day. I want the same for you, for every one.

The Intuitive Eating Program is something I designed based on my own experience and healing journey. I designed it because diets are prevalent in this country and they don’t work. No matter the program, intention, calories & fat combinations, exercise routines, or protein & carbohydrate levels, 98% of people who diet, regain the weight, which means there is no successful diet program out there. This program demolishes the ideas that there are good foods and bad foods, that you eat well or eat badly, that you had a good food day or a bad food day. One example is this: If you think about your favorite food, do you associate it with guilt, shame or remorse? This program makes food “free” so you can find what actually works for your body and your health.

The program unfolds in 8 sessions. I have found that a minimum of 8 sessions creates the commitment and support that people need to make the changes in their life that they want, but often struggle to make on their own. These 8 sessions focus on hunger, fullness, satiety, beauty, myths, societal standards, nourishment, joyful movement and nutrition.

  • The first 4 sessions are weekly, to establish homework assignments, reading and support.
  • The next 2 sessions are every other week.
  • The last 2 sessions are 3-4 weeks apart, depending on a person’s needs. This allows my clients time to walk in their new role with food and gather up their accomplishments and challenges to work through with me when we speak.
  • Continuing sessions, if desired, focus more on food, meals and nutrition based on individual needs.

My clients have found that having regular sessions, check-ins, and homework has given them the greatest amount of partnership on this journey, enabling them to experience complete freedom as they arrive at the healthiest body weight for themselves.

The “assigned” reading is from two books that I send out at the beginning of our work. Homework is based on worksheets I provide and the level of the client’s commitment to complete them. Worksheets include Hunger and Fullness Logs, Stomach Hunger vs Mouth Hunger Logs, Satiety & Satisfaction Logs, and a worksheet on Grace.

A good way to explain this program is the way a former client described it, “Do you want another diet, or do you want a solution?” I love that description! I also love how another client said the program gave her the “confidence to walk, live, love and eat without shame or embarrassment”. Yet another told me she could not have enjoyed her vacation without having been set free from her obsessions with diet, weight, food and body image.

The goal of this program is to teach you to trust yourself so you can have complete freedom in your body, your movements, and your food choices.

My nutrition and wellness sessions are $80 a session, which would be $640 for the 8-session program. When people sign up for the whole 8-session program, the cost is only $480. This can either be paid up front or through a payment plan with payments completed by the end of the fourth session. PayPal or personal checks are accepted.

Being in this program also allows free access to me via text, phone, e-mail or Facebook messaging. I whole-heartedly support each client on this path and always respond to messages and inquiries where there may be doubts or struggles.

Sessions can be in person, via Skype, via FaceTime, via GooglePlus, or over the phone. I have had clients from all over the country and distance has never been an issue. Thank God for technology!

Want to sign up? Contact Me and we can get started with the intake forms and scheduling of our first 4 weekly sessions. I can’t wait to help you walk in freedom!


Qualifications: This program is a blend of my experiences, education and training. I have personally walked through the experience of freeing myself from disordered eating through learning intuitive eating. I have my bachelor’s degree in Human Development and my Master’s degree in Holistic Health Education, specializing in Holistic Nutrition. I am trained as a Life Coach through a certified coaching institute. Most importantly: I am extremely passionate about freedom and care about each and every one of my clients’ success, joy and self-love!